Ahh, week 8. That was a sigh of relief "ahh," and not an "OH SHIT, AAAAHH!" Because I have a wonderfully short post this week, and yes, it's actually going to be super short. This week was our introduction to Walks. More specifically, the everyday, standard walk which we like to call the Vanilla Walk. There's really no attitude or character in it. It's just a normal walk. The only other thing I will say about it is that it usually consists of 5 major poses: the contact, the down pose (in which the weight shifts from the back leg to the front), the passing pose, the up pose, and the contact again.
This week all we had to do was the blocking, which is just those 5 poses. So the animation is going to look a little choppy, but it's supposed to at this point. We also had to do a pose that showed strength. I picked kind of a classic, Atlas type pose. Check it out.
Planning for the walk.

Here's the walk animation.
Here's all my strength pose ideas.

And here's the final pose.
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